The Threshold is a Christian community of spiritually eclectic people.
The Threshold gathers for transformative, contemplative worship in the style of the Taize Community. The Threshold is committed to these ways of expressing the new thing that God may be doing:
WORSHIP: Being real, authentic, and honest in worship – and really being in, being present, participating in worship.
PRACTICE: Practicing spiritual disciplines (like silence, body prayer, story-telling) together and encouraging each other’s individual spiritual growth.
LOVING THE WORD: Acknowledging God’s continuing inspiration for our lives through Scripture. Attending to the living Word among us through deep listening to the text of Scripture and of our lives.
LIVING THE WORD: Being people of the Great Commission: sharing compelling, dance-filled life together so that evangelism is based on attraction and grace rather than persuasion and guilt. Being people of the great commandment: Jesus is celebrated, followed, loved…Christo-centric big-souled community living out our love for God with heart, mind and strength. Being people of the second great commandment: actively loving our neighbor. Neighbors are those most different from ourselves. Respecting and desiring an understanding of the border lands between us. Committed to a ministry of reconciliation.
PARTNERSHIPS: Expressing many different denominations of the one Christian family, the Church, the Threshold is formally affiliated with the American Baptist Church USA. A high value of the Threshold is developing international partnerships with thriving, contemplative Christian communities.
“It feels like I’ve come home…..”
–a Threshold participant after worship